Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Sunday, 20 September 2009


When i started this course in media studies my perceptions were that I would be learning about the way films, posters, news papers and other things that are in the media are developed and created. My perceptions have not changed much although, I now know we will be going into more depth than I thought.
I think so far I have been successful in my small piece of written work and the story board we had to complete, I feel these were quite easy to do as I have already done media for GCSE and I have already learnt how to do them.
At the moment I haven't found anything I haven't understood although I would of liked to spend more time on the technical words in media language, such as mis-en-scenes and diegetic and non- diegetic sounds.
From watching the DVD on Casino Royale I have understood how complex the sound for movies is and how just little sounds that people would think nothing of have to be carefully recorded and put in the right place. I have also relised that the kind of music that is played in the films and TV help to create the different moods and atmospheres.
The film Gone Fishing was a short but well made film, I thought that because it was so short and simple it made the film more interesting. I also thought the story line was very clever.