Thursday, 6 May 2010

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My website is a charity website helping homeless dogs, it is a place where people can adopt them. They can also donate to the charity, so that we can look after them and give them a better life.

This means that all ages will be interested in our website, from young children to the elderly. Therefore, this will be great to distribute as this type of product can apply to anyone, and institutions will want this to be distributed well so that more people become aware of the site.

Distributing your website means to let it out it into the public. This can be done in many different ways, for example, the newspaper can be a very effective way of advertising a website as many people and families read the newspaper. Another way of doing this is by the radio, the radio can be fairly affective way of advertising as many people and families listen to the radio, whether it is in the car, at home or at work. Although, this may not be the best way to distribute the media product as people might not catch the name of the website via the radio.

Television is another way to distribute a media product, which is most likely to be the best choice to use, as almost everyone watches TV.

There is also the method of distributing the product through Internet banners, this is an advertisement made on well-known sites so that your website can have a link to it, so that it can be seen and used. For example, Facebook is a very popular website to advertise on, as many people from all different ages go on this site daily, so the website will be seen and used more often.

All the different ways of distribution show that it will be quite simple to publicize our website as there are so many ways to do so.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


This is an excellent, friendly site and works well: you’ve achieved most goals at a high level, and allowed yourselves to be charming in the use of small cute animals. Well done. This should be in the low end of the level 4, B or above.

You've got a page that you haven't published called Drawings for Website, and you could easily finish this off in the time you have available. It will ensure that your mark will be clearly a level 4 - ie in the top range.

The blog is more or less complete too, and I think you could probably have a look at it over the next couple of days to see if there are any bits that you can polish up. This is been good team work.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Photos in my website

This photo was taken at a farm where homeless dogs are kept. This dog looks quite lost and upset. I used this photo to make people feel sorry for the dog and want to donate to the charity.

This was a photo of my partners puppy when she was first born, at the farm. The puppies are really young and look very cute and cuddly, this photo will attract all dog lovers, especially children.

This was also taken at the farm where homeless dogs are kept, called Foal Farm. This dog looks playful and energetic, although because it is tied to the tree it makes the dog seem trapped. This will make people want to help him.

This is a photo of my partners dog, taken in his kitchen. The dog is looking straight into the camera, which looks like she is looking at the audience, her head is also tilted making her seem even more cute.

This is my friends dog, taken in their house. This puppy is a very small, cute puppy and she is also looking straight at the audience, this will make the audience feel sorry for the puppy as the puppy eyes are looking at them, wanting to be loved.

This is my partners dog, taken in his house. In this photo the dog is in a very cute position, her paw is out towards the camera, making it seem its reaching out towards the audience. This dog is also looking directly at the audience, this photo will attract the audiences attention as it looks cutes and venerable.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Planning feedback:

Hi Becky,

You need to organise your blog into an Evaluation Section and a Planning section - it's a bit confusing. Can you put all the planning posts first and the evaluation last - I can show you how to do this - just ask.

You're at a pretty low mark at the moment for planning because it's just not evident that you planned well - even though you probably did. You need to:

1. Put all the audience research together with a note on your findings. You must then define your audience alongside the survey etc- who are they?
2. Upload your website planning sketches (ESSENTIAL)
3.. Upload your photos in a slideshow or individually with a note on where they were taken and what message you hoped to send to the audience through the photos.
4. Complete your industry research on hosting and domain names.

By Friday thank you.

4. Who is the audience and how do you attract the audience?

Through our survey we have found out that a range of ages will be interested in our charity, this is because all dog lovers are different ages. We have aimed our website at a range of ages, our target audience is for children and families.

Our blue and green color scheme is to stand out to young children. We have also made the website simple to use so young children can look through our website, as well as the elderly.

The aim is to make it child friendly so children look at the dogs and then show their parents and persuade them to either adopt or donate to the charity. The audiences we aim to attract are dog lovers, families who want a dog and also elderly people who may want a companion.

We have also used drawings and scribbles that we scanned onto the website, which also attract children as it looks as if a child has drawn them. We created our own font with letters that we drew ourselves, the font is a fun, curly font to attract our audience, making the website have a happy, fun mood.

The photos we have used of the dogs make the dogs look cute and loveable so that the audience want to help them, to either donate to the charity or even adopt one.

Evidence 4. Web hosting and domain name registration

A web hosting service is a type of internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own or lease for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data centre. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center, called colocation.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Polish up your blogs
Please read this and start to get your blog beautiful and polished. Each improvement will help you get another mark - the difference between one grade and another is only a mark.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

2.How does you media product represent particular social groups?

2.How does you media product represent particular social groups?

A social group is shown in demographics for example, it is class, age, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexuality. We have used different aspects through out our site to reflect the type of people who we want to have interest in our site. We created a survey to help us clarify this; we gave the survey to a range of people of different social groups. One of the questions we asked was “Which of these newspapers do you read?”, with the return of all the surveys we found that 70% said that they read ‘The Sun Newspaper”, most of these people were aged from 20 to 40 years old. This shows that most of these people were working class and middle class people. Another of our questions was “How many children do you have?”, most of the working class and middle class people aged from 20 to 40 had children. This helped us to show the social groups we want to aim our website at, the survey showed we should aim the website at working and middle class people from 20 to 40 as these are the people that have families and want to adopt a dog to add to their family life.

We used the results from the survey to construct different aspects of our website to attract our target audiences attention. We realized that we had to make our website simple but also child friendly so that it stands out to the children and their families. For example, we have used a colour scheme of light blue and light green as these colours are simple and give the website a fun, happy mood. These colours attract children and also make the website seem simple.

The layout of our website is also very simple, to make it easy for the elder generation and also little children to use and to understand, for example, we have a simple navigation bar which show the different pages, it is placed horizontally at the top of the page, which is a typical convention used in many websites.

The style of language we have used is fairly simple to understand, we have also used rhetorical questions such as, “How can you help Paws 4 Thought?” this makes the user think about the question and become curious about the answer, so hopefully this will convince the user to donate to the website.

We have used many photographs through out our website of dogs and puppies. The dogs are almost always looking straight at the camera; this makes the user feel that the dog is looking at them in a sympathetic way. These pictures make families feel sorry for the dogs and make them want to help them by either donating to the charity or adopting one of them. We have got a photo of a dog with its paw hanging down and it looks very cute as it is looking at the camera with its head tilted. This picture will attract any dog lover, especially young children and make them want to help our charity.


Monday, 15 March 2010

Much to do


There is much to do!

Your website is coming on well, but you are using the built in page directory (the bit at the top) which isn't very pretty, nor is it conventional - you need to build this yourself and not use the software to do it for you.

What is seriously missing from you blog is the evaluation, and this must be in place urgently. Likewise, get the video edited, please.

I think (only think) that most of your work is basically in place, but it isn't here on your blog - and it is very important that you get this done now.

Checklist -

These are your AS Blogspot posts.

1. Review

2. Website analysis and review

3. Survey starter

4. Media brief

5. Website annotations

6. Improved brief

7. Young and Rubicam survey result and comment

8. Website research findings

9.Main survey

- followed by the seven points (you must read and use Seven point evaluation)

In what ways . . . conventions

Representation of social groups

Website distribution

Who your audience is

How you attract your audience

What you have learned about technology

What you have learned in the progression from first site to main site.

This is the link to the seven point evaluation in full: AS seven key questions only.doc

All your work must have your survey to support it, especially questions 2, 4 and 5.

You must use the AS seven key questions sheet really well - all the questions that you must answer are there.

Your survey isn't available on the blog, and this has to be there, properly analysed, and used in the seven points as evidence.

Your video needs completion.

Please use the seven point sheet thoroughly - it has all the information you need to get good marks, provided you do what it says. Then post this as soon as you can.