Wednesday, 21 April 2010

4. Who is the audience and how do you attract the audience?

Through our survey we have found out that a range of ages will be interested in our charity, this is because all dog lovers are different ages. We have aimed our website at a range of ages, our target audience is for children and families.

Our blue and green color scheme is to stand out to young children. We have also made the website simple to use so young children can look through our website, as well as the elderly.

The aim is to make it child friendly so children look at the dogs and then show their parents and persuade them to either adopt or donate to the charity. The audiences we aim to attract are dog lovers, families who want a dog and also elderly people who may want a companion.

We have also used drawings and scribbles that we scanned onto the website, which also attract children as it looks as if a child has drawn them. We created our own font with letters that we drew ourselves, the font is a fun, curly font to attract our audience, making the website have a happy, fun mood.

The photos we have used of the dogs make the dogs look cute and loveable so that the audience want to help them, to either donate to the charity or even adopt one.

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